Novato Community Events

Below is a non-comprehensive list of events happening in Novato and our surrounding areas of Marin and Sonoma County. Please email if you have any events to add!

Look for the NMC logo below for NMC official events.  Join our member-only Facebook group to follow our weekly event posts for any other events that our NMC community adds.

     March Events

    Sunday, 03/02

    Saturday, 03/08

    Sunday, 03/09

      Monday, 03/10

      Tuesday, 03/11

      • 5:30-7:30pm Marin Green Drinks with the Bioneers at Lotus Cuisine of India, San Rafael. RSVP required.
      Saturday, 03/15

      Sunday, 03/23

      Thursday, 03/27

      Saturday, 03/29

      Sunday, 03/30

      Monday, 03/31

          Recurring Spring Events

          Always Recurring Events



          • First Wednesday of the month: Family Game Night at 6-7:45pm at the Novato Library
          • First Saturday of every month: The Home Depot's Kids Workshop at 9am at either San Rafael or Rohnert Park stores
          • Last Monday of every month (except December): Museum Mondays at 10am for Little Ones at the Charles M. Schulz Museum $10/child (includes 2 adults)

            Other Resources

            • Visit Novato is Novato's visitor information center and they keep their Events Calendar up-to-date on local happenings.
            • The Marin Mommies Family Events Calendar has a great list of things to do every day in Marin County. Just choose the day.
            • Marin Convention & Visitors Bureau will have a list Marin events. Just pick the month.
            • FunCheap is an extraordinary list of free/affordable SF Bay Area events with a specific North Bay region events page.
            • Ronnie's Awesome List is great resource for all Bay area events (from the North Bay down to the South Bay).

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